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Turn questions into data insights.

Make your team more informed and save time, by using AI for Data Analysis on your SQL Database.

text prompt to SQL with AI

Let AI do your work

No more bottlenecks

All you have to do is tell the chatbot what you need. Blaze learns about your Database, writes your SQL code, runs the code to get the data, and visualizes it.

Tell blaze what you need
And skip 85% of the data work.

Trusted by the world’s most innovative teams

Ebay Amazon Visa Bayer Statamic

Privacy & Security

Privately connect your Database on
Windows or Mac

BlazeSQL for desktop allows you to run queries and visualize your data, completely local and private.

Add results to a Dashboard...

Database documentation

Blaze understands your database

Blaze AI remembers what your columns mean, by letting you add that information to it's memory (like database documentation).

MySQL PostgreSQL Microsoft SQL Server Snowflake BigQuery Redshift

Get started now

Want to give your whole team or company their own personal AI Data analyst?
Let's talk.

With our deep data science & analytics expertise across various industries, we can assess your needs and provide a tailored demo.

Thousands of people are outperforming their peers with Blaze

Ex. Viktoria Seeman,

“the progress that I was able to make via using BlazeSQL for ~3 weeks (~10hrs/week) was considered impressive by our in-house data analysts and SQL gurus.”

Leslie Alexander

“I'm impressed with its consistently correct responses since upgrading to Blaze Pro for the advanced model.”

Lindsay blelling

“I literally do 5x more work in half the time with Blaze, so my manager decided to stop hiring.”

Tom Chinders

“Last week our management asked for a dashboard, and I literally created it (with 10 different graphs and metrics) in under 30 minutes and without writing any code. It had lots of complex queries, but Blaze did it all for me. My manager was so confused :D.”

Leonard Krasner

Add your DB info in seconds.
Connect, or just paste column names.

Upload database metadata

The AI can understand your database without seeing your actual data. Just run the provided query to extract table names, column names etc., paste the result, and the AI will remember it.

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English to SQL

Blaze is the perfect tool for working with SQL databases. Simply write what data you want in english, and Blaze gives you the SQL code. Blaze can generate pretty complex queries using the technology behind ChatGPT, and improve over time.

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We don't see data from your database, we only use the schema info. It is encrypted for storage, and kept confidential.

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ChatGPT for your database.

ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but the real power lies in unlocking valuable insights from your database. By connecting AI to your Database, you can be data driven by just asking questions.

BlazeSQL screenshot, showing the chat generating an SQL query with the free sql query tool

Ready to dive in?
Use Blaze now.

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Frequently asked questions

Is my data safe with BlazeSQL?

Yes, data rows in your database will never be uploaded to our servers or anywhere else. To generate queries, the AI only needs to see the names of your tables, and the names of the columns. If you (optionally) connect your database with the desktop version, you can automatically run the queries, and the results will go directly from your database to your computer and stay 100% local and private. Graphs and dashboards will use this local data.

Do I need to upload my data?

No, all database rows remain private, the AI only needs to see the table names and column names to be able to write the queries.

Can the AI create complex queries?

Yes, there is no limit to the complexity of queries. For more complex queries, you may need to be more specific with your request, or provide clarification.

How can the AI understand things that are specific to my database/company?

The database page allows you to add important information about tables and columns. This allows the AI to understand and remember important details about your database and your company.

What If I'm an SQL beginner?

The AI can help with learning how to write sql queries. If you don't know how to write a query in sql, the AI can do it for you and explain everything.

Can queries be incorrect?

For complex requests with insufficient information, the queries may not be perfect. In this case, simply paste the error or feedback into the chat to get a corrected query. If your database is connected, the AI will automatically see the error and correct the query.

Can this connect to my database?

Yes, and the desktop version allows for secure connections in private networks.

How do I provide info about my database?

When you set up your database in BlazeSQL, you can connect with your database credentials, or use the provided query to extract table and column names which can be pasted into the app.

From the blog

Learn how to level up your analytics with AI.

How to

How to use BlazeSQL

BlazeSQL is an AI chatbot that can answer your questions by giving you the relevant data, an SQL Query, or even a graph. Let's take a look at how to use it.