AI for your team

Your new AI Data Analyst

Join the fast growing community of teams eliminating their data bottlenecks with AI.

Blaze Team

Standard plan for teams.

$149 /month
(incl. 3 users, $49 per extra user)

Start free 14-day trial Get a demo
  • AI Data Analyst
  • Desktop version for private database connections
  • Dashboards
  • Shared team environments
  • Unlimited requests

Blaze Team Advanced

Enhanced plan for teams.

$499 /month
(incl. 3 users, $75 per extra user)

Subscribe Get a demo
  • All Blaze Team Features
  • Advanced AI model (Claude-3.5-Sonnet)
  • AI generated reporting emails
  • Priority support
  • Continuously upgraded to the latest, most capable AI Model in the world (currently Claude 3 Opus)

Blaze Enterprise

Dedicated support and infrastructure for your company.


Let's talk
  • SSO Login (SAML or OpenID Connect)
  • Privately hosted app (
  • Private Google Cloud Environment
  • Dedicated support
  • White labeling & re-branding
  • Customizations

Trusted by the world’s most innovative teams

Ebay Amazon Visa Bayer Statamic

Thousands of people are outperforming their peers with Blaze

Ex. Viktoria Seeman,

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“the progress that I was able to make via using BlazeSQL for ~3 weeks (~10hrs/week) was considered impressive by our in-house data analysts and SQL gurus.”

Leslie Alexander

“I'm impressed with its consistently correct responses since upgrading to Blaze Pro for the advanced model.”

Lindsay blelling

“I literally do 5x more work in half the time with Blaze, so my manager decided to stop hiring.”

Tom Chinders

“Last week our management asked for a dashboard, and I literally created it (with 10 different graphs and metrics) in under 30 minutes and without writing any code. It had lots of complex queries, but Blaze did it all for me. My manager was so confused :D.”

Leonard Krasner